, pub-2054062284694458, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

الاثنين، 28 مايو 2018

Por sus presuntos  vínculos con narcotraficantes Arrestado en Tánger Med un brigadier de policía

Por sus presuntos  vínculos con narcotraficantes Arrestado en Tánger Med un brigadier de policía: Un brigadier de la policía que ejerce en el puerto de Tánger-Med fue anoche por supuestos vínculos con una red criminal de narcotráfico y drogas psicotrópicas.
De acuerdo con la Dirección General de Seguridad Nacional (DGSN), el demandado fue arrestado en su automóvil en posesión de 115 kilogramos de hachís, « tenía la intención de entregarlos a cómplices para transportarlos al extranjero. »
El arresto de la causa se produjo en el marco de una « meticulosa investigación llevada a cabo durante meses por un equipo conjunto de la Seguridad Nacional y la DGST », especifica la DGSN.

La operación dio lugar también al arresto de un cómplice sospechoso de actuar como intermediario en el tráfico internacional de drogas.
Los dos acusados ​​fueron puestos bajo custodia policial a los efectos de la investigación.

السبت، 19 مايو 2018

Tangier Med seized 110 kg of silver

Customs services at the port of Tangier Med Thursday seized 110 kg of silver jewelry, two people have tried to introduce the national territory without the necessary permissions, have we learned from a customs source.

Thus, the elements of the customs have aborted an attempt to illegally introduce 110 kg of silver jewelry, hidden in bags near the tank of a passenger bus registered in Spain from Italy and bound for Morocco .

This operation resulted in the arrest of the driver and his assistant, of Moroccan nationality, said the same source, noting that the mis en cause were presented to the judicial police for further investigation under the supervision of the prosecutor's office competent general, before being brought to justice.

الأربعاء، 16 مايو 2018

Tangier Med wants to optimize TIR traffic

Tangier Med Port Authority (TMPA) intends to analyze import-export traffic in TIR flows from Tangier Med port. The institution will select a firm on June 5 to entrust the study of TIR traffic (international road transport).
Through this consultation, TMPA says it wants to map the current situation of TIR import-export flows and fragment these traffic into homogeneous segments (sectors and destination). The selected consultant will, for each traffic segment, identify current traffic volumes and values, the characteristics and key aspects of each traffic segment with the main logistics corridors (origin / destination, land and sea links, etc.). .
It will also define the strengths and weaknesses of the Tanger Med logistics offer and establish projections of traffic evolution by 2025. The project study will identify the optimization potential of the TIR import-export logistics chains. Tangier Med and stream grouping. It is also a question of identifying opportunities for improving administrative and control procedures and transit delays. The study should take into account all components of TIR and the development of other modes of transport.

الثلاثاء، 15 مايو 2018

Renault Morocco signs several agreements with customs

The ADII and the Renault Morocco Group seal their partnership by signing an agreement and a memorandum of understanding.
The Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (ADII) and the Renault Group Morocco have sealed their partnership by the signing, on Monday in Rabat, of an agreement on the granting of the label "Certified Economic Operator (AEO) Safety and Security "at the Renault plant in Tangier, and a memorandum of understanding to fight against counterfeiting.

The signing of this agreement, following the meeting of a steering committee ADII-Renault which was co-chaired by the Director General of the ADII, Nabyl Lakhdar and the Director General of the Group Renault Morocco, Marc Nassif, in The presence of the General Manager of the Tangier Renault Factory, Jean-François Gal, should enable the plant to benefit from this status, which guarantees Customs the reliability of the company certified in terms of safety and security at the level of the logistics chain, indicates a joint statement of the ADII and Renault. This label also allows its holder to benefit from a personalized range of customs facilities ranging from the simplification of customs formalities to the reduction of customs clearance costs, adds the same source.

With regard to the Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties, its mission is to fight against the counterfeiting of trademarks owned by the French Automotive Group, to strengthen counterfeiting measures at the border and to develop collaboration between the two countries. two partners to fight more effectively against this phenomenon and its negative impact on the national economy and the competitiveness of enterprises, the statement said.

Under this protocol, the Renault Group Morocco is committed to providing its expertise in this field to the ADII through the implementation of in-depth technical training actions on Renault and Dacia products for the benefit of customs officials. Moroccans from all the Kingdom's ports and the reinforcement of bilateral cooperation in information exchange.

Supporting large-scale projects and foreign investments in Morocco is a priority, and Customs strives to build a lasting and constructive partnership with foreign companies established in the Kingdom in order to provide them with support and support of quality, the statement said.

الاثنين، 14 مايو 2018

ميناء طنجة المتوسط .. السلطات تنهي أزمة شاحنات النقل الدوليRo-Ro

بعد فترة طويلة من الشد والجذب بين مهنيي النقل الدولي للبضائع، وبين السلطات المينائية بطنجة المتوسط، حول بطء حركية التجارة الخارجية في المرفأ البحري المتوسطي، افتتحت الوكالة الخاصة للميناء المتوسطي، بداية الأسبوع الجاري، ممرا جديدا في وجه عبور شاحنات النقل الدولي للبضائع والسلع، وذلك في منطقة إركاب المسافرين، من أجل تسهيل عملية تدفق الشاحنات التجارية.
وأكد مصدر مهني من الجامعة الوطنية للنقل الدولي المتعدد الوسائط، أن السلطات المينائية خصصت معبرا لفائدة النقالين المغاربة، وذلك بعد موافقة كافة المصالح الإدارية المتدخلة في تسيير الميناء، ويتعلق الأمر بالمديرية العامة الضرائب، وإدارة الجمارك، ومسؤولي الوكالة الخاصة لتدبير الميناء المتوسطي، مشيرا إلى أن هذا الإجراء سيمكن من امتصاص ما يقارب 37 في المائة من حركة الواردات بالمنطقة المينائية.

ويأتي هذا القرار يضيف مصدر “أخبار اليوم”، بعد عدة لقاءات واجتماعات بين أعضاء اللجنة الثلاثية مع مسؤولي الإدارات السالف ذكرها، تباحث خلالها الطرفان سبل اتخاذ التسهيلات اللازمة، وتخفيف القيود المفروضة على حركية الشاحنات التجارية، قبل أن يستقر رأي المسؤولين على تخصيص ممر جديد في منطقة الإركاب التي يمنع على النقالين الولوج إليها.
وبحسب المصدر نفسه، فإن الإجراء الجديد سيمكن من تسهيل معالجة معطيات الشاحنات القادمة من أوروبا، بغرض تسهيل مرورها في ظرف وجيز، وذلك بعدما كان المكوث في طوابير الانتظار الطويل، إجراءً إجباريا حتى على الشاحنات التجارية الفارغة من الحمولة، الأمر الذي كان يشكل عائقا كبيرا أمام المقاولات المغربية في تطوير معدل صادراتها.
وأوضح المصدر ذاته، أن الإجراءات الجديدة لم تشهد أي تغيير في شروط المرور عبر نقط التفتيش الحدودية، حيث يجب على النقالين الإدلاء بنفس الوثائق الدائمة، لاسيما ورقة بيانات الشاحنة وسجل المرور الجمركي، باستثناء الجمارك التي يعفى منها في حالة إذا كانت الشاحنة فارغة من أي حمولة، فإنها تعفى من مراقبة هذه الأخيرة.

وكان النقالون المغاربة يشتكون قبل تفعيل الإجراءات الجديدة، من عراقيل تعيق نمو الصادرات المغربية، وتؤثر سلبا على تسويق المنتوجات إلى الخارج، حيث كان يستغرق وقت مغادرة الشاحنات القادمة من أوروبا عدة ساعات، وفي فترة الازدحام يتراوح ما بين يوم كامل وثلاثة أيام، وهي المدة التي يمكن أن تتوجه فيها الشاحنة حتى مدينة أكادير جنوبا، وتشحن حمولتها من السلع والبضائع، ثم تعود إلى ميناء طنجة للمغادرة مرة ثانية.

الجمعة، 11 مايو 2018

APM Terminals MedPort Tangier: Three first STS gates received

APM Terminals MedPort Tangier has acquired the first three STS gantries, the largest in the world, designed to handle new container ships crisscrossing the Asia / Europe trade route with capacities of up to 22,000 TEUs. "Occupying a strategic position on one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world - The Strait of Gibraltar is home to some 60,000 ships a year. As a result, APM Terminals MedPort Tangier will significantly improve the performance of the international supply chain by attracting more ships, creating a variety of routing options. This will ensure efficiency, expand capacity and exploit new technologies.

We design APM Terminals Medport Tangier to be the best platform for transhipment of our network, integrating operational excellence at all levels, procuring the latest generation of port handling equipment and positioning ourselves on the market. 'one of the most strategic trade routes,' says APM Terminals COO Keith Svendsen. "We are strengthening the container handling capacity of the Tanger Med port and ensuring greater flexibility for Maersk Line by offering more routing options, in order to optimize its ship network and better serve the supply chain." client. In addition, the establishment of APM Terminals Medport Tangier opens up new investment fields by positioning Morocco as an essential platform for global commerce, "he concludes.

Visionary and innovative, this terminal has been designed to accommodate the largest container ships in the world thanks to its double carriage STS cranes and its use of advanced technologies, guaranteeing fast, safe and efficient operations. "Dual carriage STS gantries will be equipped with the latest technology to achieve optimal elevation trajectories with a soft landing on the gantry crane platform where the hoists are removed. The secondary carriage will deposit the container in the transfer zone where it will be operated by the rider carriage, which will transport it to destination. This process allows a very high standard of productivity. says Dennis Olesen, Managing Director of APM Terminals Medport Tangier. The choice by the latter of Tangier Med II is not fortuitous.

"Our choice for the port Tanger Med II for the realization of this new project does not come from chance. It aims to strengthen and complete the activities carried out since July 2017 on the first Tangier Med I terminal. The first experience of the group at the port complex has allowed it to better understand the potential of this area and to encourage it to reinforce its presence in the western Mediterranean. A fortiori by its position in one of the most important corridors, especially in the Strait of Gibraltar, which knows the attendance of some 60,000 ships of the world fleet per year. We signed our concession contract in 2016 and launched the construction of the future container terminal in March 2017. This new terminal is expected to be operational within a year, "said Dennis Olesen.

And conclude: "It is a great honor for us that the start of the activities of the first phase new terminal, scheduled for 2019, will mark the official opening of Tangier Med II. APM Terminals MedPort Tangier plans to continue the development of its activities with the extension of its project (in phases 1 and 2) according to the needs of our customers ".

الأربعاء، 9 مايو 2018


The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) launched on Tuesday a new project, called "Trans-Loj Med", aimed at improving maritime connectivity and multimodal transport in the Mediterranean region.

The announcement of the launch of this project comes at the conference on "Maritime Transport and Logistics Services", organized by the union, for two days, in the Egyptian city of Ismaila, in collaboration with the Economic Authority of Suez Canal.

In an address on this occasion, UfM Deputy Secretary General Ihab Fahmiy said that seven countries namely, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Algeria will benefit from this five-year project, which aims to promote sustainable solutions through knowledge transfer and training programs for more than 1,000 employees in the transport and logistics sector.

"Tans-Loj Med", which will be implemented by the European School of Multimodal Transport, aims to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable network and likely to allow the mutual use of infrastructure in the transport sector at the level of the Mediterranean basin.

The 43 member states of the union unanimously approved this project in November 2017 as a priority project to enhance sustainable transport connectivity in the Mediterranean region.

Some project activities have already been launched in the ports of Tangier Med, Barcelona, ​​Civitavecchia, Genoa and Rades. The activities of this project will also be launched soon in the ports of Nador, Sfax, Mostaganem, Alexandria, Domiat, Port Said and Aqaba, noted Fahmi.

It should be noted that the volume of container traffic across the Mediterranean represents around 30% of the global container traffic at the international level, while maritime commercial traffic between the Mediterranean countries is estimated at 25% of the volume of world traffic.

The Mediterranean basin has great potential to achieve a high level of integration of maritime trade between the two shores, and can be exploited through the strengthening of multimodal solutions and the effectiveness and sustainability of transportation and logistics services.

The conference on "Maritime transport and logistics services" aims to examine the possibility of linking the Mediterranean basin and its ports in order to ensure a more efficient maritime transport system and to enhance the opportunities for cooperation between the Mediterranean States in the fields thereon.

During this meeting, it will be presented the successful experiences of ports and maritime sectors in the Mediterranean countries and the examination of multimodal solutions in the Mediterranean region, in addition to presentations on port logistics services and implementation. cooperation.

Chaos in the truck traffic in the Strait


All the entrances of Tangier are blocked, all the services for Algeciras are collapsed and of the three daily rotations of Ro-Ro operations, only two are carried out.

The entrances to the port of Tangier are blocked, there is no possibility of positioning trucks for the full customs visit, the hours for the phyto are only from 10 to 14 hours and visits are only allowed until 20 hours. These are just some of the restrictions that are experienced during May 8 in Tangier.
As far as Algeciras is concerned, the paraduan services are totally collapsed, while on the other hand there is a delay of 24 hours or more in relation to the intervention of the cargo. All the doors for the phyto are usually occupied, which implies a wait of 6 to 8 hours to do it.
As far as the Ro-Ro operations are concerned, of the three daily rotations, only two are being carried out. The shipping companies, meanwhile, do not work until 2 in the morning to save a port hand.

الاثنين، 7 مايو 2018

Because of the Warm Weather Thousands of Migrants Tried to Escape in Europe - - Sofia News Agency

Spanish police seize tons of smuggled hashish

Spanish police say they have arrested 14 suspected drug smugglers and confiscated 3,700 kilos of hashish in a drug bust in southern Spain.
Police said Saturday they also confiscated three speedboats, a fishing boat and a yacht they suspected the gang used to smuggle the drugs from Morocco to the Cadiz region of Spain across the Strait of Gibraltar.
The police say the arrested suspects include the two leaders of the ring, who “handled contacting the Moroccan [drug] suppliers.”
The police operation began in November 2016. Police arrested two alleged members in February, four more in March, and the remaining eight at a later unspecified date.
The Cadiz province, 14 kilometers from North Africa, amounts to 40 percent of the drugs entering Spain, according to Spain’s Interior Ministry.

Spain Rescues 476 Migrants Crossing Mediterranean Sea

Spain's maritime rescue service says it has saved 476 migrants in a two-day span who were attempting the perilous crossing of the Mediterranean Sea from African shores.
The service says it pulled the migrants from 15 small boats on Friday and Saturday. There were no reported casualties, AP reported.
Favorable weather in the Strait of Gibraltar appears to have sparked the surge in sea crossings.
Each year, tens of thousands of migrants attempt to reach Spain and other southern European countries by crossing the Mediterranean in smugglers' boats. Most of the vessels are unfit for open water, and thousands of migrants drown each year.
The UN says 615 migrants have died crossing the Mediterranean so far this year. A total of 22,439 migrants have reached European shores, with 4,409 arriving in Spain, through the first four months of 2018.

SXD Energy,, has completed a new gas discovery in Morocco.

SXD Energy, a British company specializing in hydrocarbon exploration, has completed a new gas discovery in Morocco. The company announced on Monday that it has found conventional natural gas in its LMS-1 exploration well on the Lalla Mimouna (Rabat-Salé-Kenitra) permit, of which it holds a 75% stake. "The LMS-1 well was drilled to a total depth of 1,158 m [...] and met 16.4 m of net conventional oil sands with an average porosity of 32% in a supercharged section", explains SDX Energy.

The drilling revealed heavier gas indices in addition to the potential presence of liquid hydrocarbons in the section, the company said. The well will be punctured and tested soon, while testing will be done approximately 30 days after the rig is removed. As a reminder, SXD had to drill nine wells on the Lalla Mimouna and Sebou permits. Some were unsuccessful.

Ultra Large MSC Tina sails,Crossing the shipping lanes in the Straits of...

الجمعة، 4 مايو 2018

물류 : 모로코 농업 식품 수출의 핵심 플랫폼 인 Tangier Med

2016 ~ 2017 년 기간 동안 영국의 곡물 수출은 280 만 톤으로 지난 4 년간 연평균 8 % 증가했다. 유럽을 향한 수출량은 통행량 2.2 MT, 가치면에서 37 MMDH (Office des changes)였다. 대상 국가는 프랑스가 770 KT (10 MMDH), 스페인이 533 KT (13.5 MMDH), 러시아가 337 KT (1.7 MMDH)입니다.

같은 기간 아프리카에서의 모로코 농식품 수출량은 0.5 톤, 5.5 MMDH에 달했다. 톤수면에서 볼 때 2017 년 아프리카로 수출 된 주요 제품은 설탕과 꿀, 생선 제품, 과일과 채소가 들어있는 설탕으로 주로 구성되었다. 가치 측면에서 볼 때 어업 제품은 모로코가 아프리카에 수출하는 가치의 약 47 %를 차지합니다. 모리 타니 아, 세네갈, 리비아 및 코트 디부 아르가 대량 구매자이며, 남아공, 가나 및 나이지리아는 가치 측면에서 주요 수혜자입니다.

Tanger Med는 여러 공간 (관리 건물, 거주 공간, 창고 창고, 굴착 부두, 온도 조절 된 육안 검사 구역, 이중 스캐너 터널 등)로 구성된 19 헥타르의 수출 전용 인프라를 제공합니다. 보초 상자 및 검문소 ...). 이 구역은 하루 최대 2100 개의화물을 처리 할 수 ​​있습니다. 그것은 수출 절차의 비 물질화, 수출 트럭 교통 처리의 유동성 및 하반기의 대중 교통 소요 시간을 허용합니다. Tanger Med 물류 구역에는 5,500m²의 표면적과 35,000m3 / 5,500 SKU의 저장 용량, 보관, 라벨링, 포장 및 보관을위한 냉각 장치가 포함됩니다. 농업 식품의 가벼운 변형. roro (냉장 트럭에 의한) 및 해상 운송 (냉동 컨테이너에 의한) 운송의 다단계는 수출을위한 다양한 솔루션을 제공합니다. 컨테이너 터미널의 냉동 저장 용량은 연간 100,000 TEU입니다. 마지막으로, 174 개 항구와 74 개국과의 해상 연결로 인해 탕헤르 메드는 북유럽에 3 일, 북미 및 남미에 10 일, 중국에 20 일 이내에 접근 할 수 있습니다.

الخميس، 3 مايو 2018

Spain Says Morocco Now Bears Greater Undocumented Migration Pressure

MARRAKESH, Morocco – Spanish Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido said on Wednesday that Madrid realizes that the increase in undocumented immigrants entering the Iberian country is the result of greater immigration pressure on Spain’s southern neighbor, Morocco.

Zoido made his remarks at the 5th Euro-African Ministerial Conference on Migration held in Marrakesh, Morocco, and attended by 60 European and African leaders.

After a meeting with his Moroccan counterpart, Abdelouafi Laftit, Zoido told reporters that Morocco had experienced increased migration pressures as a result of new undocumented immigrants coming from the Sahel region, a semi-desert zone encompassing much of central Africa and including portions of many countries in the area.

Zoido thanked Morocco for its efforts to manage the flows of undocumented migration across the Strait of Gibraltar.

The Spanish minister added that his country will take measures to reinforce common control mechanisms.

The number of undocumented immigrants coming to Spain by boat tripled in 2017, according to data provided by the Association for Human Rights of Andalusia (APDHA).

APDHA reported that 22,419 undocumented immigrants reached Spain in 2017, with at least 249 immigrants dying during the dangerous journey.