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الأربعاء، 9 مايو 2018

Chaos in the truck traffic in the Strait


All the entrances of Tangier are blocked, all the services for Algeciras are collapsed and of the three daily rotations of Ro-Ro operations, only two are carried out.

The entrances to the port of Tangier are blocked, there is no possibility of positioning trucks for the full customs visit, the hours for the phyto are only from 10 to 14 hours and visits are only allowed until 20 hours. These are just some of the restrictions that are experienced during May 8 in Tangier.
As far as Algeciras is concerned, the paraduan services are totally collapsed, while on the other hand there is a delay of 24 hours or more in relation to the intervention of the cargo. All the doors for the phyto are usually occupied, which implies a wait of 6 to 8 hours to do it.
As far as the Ro-Ro operations are concerned, of the three daily rotations, only two are being carried out. The shipping companies, meanwhile, do not work until 2 in the morning to save a port hand.

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