, pub-2054062284694458, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

الثلاثاء، 24 أبريل 2018

TMSA will build a logistics platform at the port of Abidjan

The Tanger Med Special Agency (TMSA) will develop a logistics platform for the marketing of fruit and vegetables at the autonomous port of Abidjan. An agreement was signed on Monday in Meknes by Morocco and Côte d'Ivoire on the sidelines of the International Agricultural Show in Morocco (SIAM). The objective is to better value the flows exchanged between the two countries, as well as with the countries of the sub-region.

The agreement also aims to directly serve the interests of Ivorian and Moroccan economic operators, strengthen their competitiveness and accelerate trade between the two countries. The project also involves investments in the construction of controlled temperature and atmosphere logistics warehouses as well as exhibition and marketing spaces.

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